The Official Website of Gene Autry, America's Favorite Singing Cowboy

Fun Autry Fact:

According to a 1948 Life magazine article, "if [Gene's records] were all shipped to one place, [they] would make up a freight train solid with Western songs and be more than a mile long."

Watch a Gene Autry Video Clip

Uncle Noah's Ark
from The Phantom Empire, Chapter 1 & Chapter 12 (1935)

"Yes folks, it's Gene Autry making another raid on your time with his Radio Riders, broadcasting from Radio Ranch!" That's how Singing Cowboy star Gene Autry introduces the first song in the Science Fiction Western 12-part serial The Phantom Empire (1935). The humorous Western song "Uncle Noah's Ark" is sung in "Chapter One: The Singing Cowboy" and reprised in "Chapter Twelve: The End of Murania." Both performances are presented here for your enjoyment.

The Phantom Empire is a fantastic adventure with music, comedy, and action on the land, in the air and underground in the super-scientific kingdom of Murania. This clip is sourced from Gene Autry's personal film archive.

Written by Gene Autry and Smiley Burnette

© Autry Qualified Interest Trust and The Autry Foundation
© 1935 Gene Autry Music Company/Universal Music Publishing

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