White Christmas
The Sergeant Gene Autry Radio Show
(November 8, 1942)
When Gene Autry went into the Army Air Forces in 1942 his popular radio show, Melody Ranch, became the Sgt. Gene Autry radio show. His November 8, 1942 program broadcast live from Luke Field near Phoenix, Arizona included the songs "Fetch Me Down My Trusty Forty-Five," "I'll Wait for You," "Boogie Woogie Cowboy," "Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition" and the new Bing Crosby holiday hit "White Christmas."
Gene's performance of "White Christmas" on this broadcast is significant not only because it was the first time he sang this song, but also it was only the second time he sang a Christmas song on his radio show. The very first Christmas song sung by Gene Autry on his radio show was "Silent Night" on December 22, 1940 as part of the show's dramatic story.
Gene Autry never recorded the song "White Christmas" for commercial release but it was significant enough to him that he performed it on his radio show over a dozen times between 1942 and 1955.
Words and Music by Irving Berlin
© 1940, 1942 Irving Berlin