The Official Website of Gene Autry, America's Favorite Singing Cowboy

Fun Autry Fact:

When he was a young man, Gene received an offer from a professional baseball team to become a player. Gene turned down the offer because it would have meant a fifty-dollar-a-month pay cut from his telegrapher's job.

Book Information

So You Wanna See Cowboy Stuff? The Western Movie/TV Tour Guide


Boyd Magers
Special Movie Locations Contributions by Tinsley Yarbrough
Empire Publishing, Inc.
264 pages
Black-and-white photographs

Here's the only complete tour guide ever assembled leading you directly to all the Western movie and TV filming locations and sites of interest in the entire United States! The book was extensively researched over a three-year period by noted Western authority and publisher of Western Clippings magazine Boyd Magers. He takes you state-by-state to famous Western movie locations, birthplaces, monuments, parks, museums, and gravesites. Also included are oral histories, a list of annual film festivals, and a bibliography. Rekindle fond memories or plan your next vacation with this wonderful, fun-filled book.

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