The Official Website of Gene Autry, America's Favorite Singing Cowboy

Fun Autry Fact:

In the late 1930s, Gene turned down an offer of $3,000 to endorse a brand of cigarette.

Book Information

Ladies of the Western

Hardcover 2002;
Softcover 2006

Michael G. Fitzgerald and Boyd Magers
336 pages
150 photos

This work features interviews with 51 leading ladies who starred in B Westerns, A Westerns, and television Westerns. They all talk candidly about their careers and many difficulties they faced. Conditions were often severe, locations were often harsh, and pay was often minimal.

The actresses were sometimes the only females on location and they had to provide their own wardrobe and do their own make-up, as well as discourage the advances of overly affectionate co-stars. Despite these difficulties, most of the women interviewed agree that they had fun. Forewords by Kathryn Adams, Mala Powers, and Marion Shilling. The fifty-one actresses interviewed are:

  • Kathryn Adams
  • Claudia Barrett
  • Reno Browne
  • Virginia Carroll
  • Phyllis Coates
  • Louise Currie
  • Frances Dee
  • Edith Fellows
  • Barbra Fuller
  • Beverly Garland
  • Lisa Gaye
  • Jane Greer
  • Marie Harmon
  • Virginia Herrick
  • Kathleen Hughes
  • Lois January
  • Anne Jeffreys
  • Linda Johnson
  • Suzanne Kaaren
  • Mary Ellen Kay
  • Elyse Knox
  • Barbara Knudson
  • Ruta Lee
  • Virginia Lee
  • Adele Mara
  • Caren Marsh
  • Carole Mathews
  • Joyce Meadows
  • Colleen Miller
  • Pauline Moore
  • Dorothy Morris
  • Noreen Nash
  • Noel Neill
  • Gigi Perreau
  • Mala Powers
  • Madlyn Rhue
  • Elaine Riley
  • Kasey Rogers
  • Jean Rouverol
  • Ann Rutherford
  • Karen Sharpe
  • Marjorie Stapp
  • Olive Sturgess
  • Ruth Terry
  • Lyn Thomas
  • Martha Tibbetts
  • Yvette Vickers
  • June Vincent
  • Beverly Washburn
  • Marie Windsor
  • Jane Withers

Ladies of the Western is the follow up to the authors' previous book, Westerns Women: Interviews with 50 Leading Ladies of Movie and Television Westerns from the 1930s to the 1960s (1999).

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