Gene Autry Square to Be Dedicated on Hollywood's Birthday
Posted January 27, 2005
Here is the official press release from the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce on Gene Autry Square.
Hollywood will celebrate its 118th birthday on February 1st by dedicating the intersection of Hollywood and Highland as Gene Autry Square in recognition of the actor/singer/philanthropist's many contributions to Tinseltown.
Johnny Grant, Chairman of the Hollywood Historic Trust, said, "Gene Autry loved Hollywood – the industry, and had an equal passion for Hollywood – the community."
Councilmember Eric Garcetti, who proposed the honor for approval to the Los Angeles City Council, remarked, "Gene Autry may be in Cowboy Heaven, but he'll always have a place in Hollywood. Every time I walk or drive past Gene Autry Square, I'll think of Gene's soulfulness and his dedication to our community."
The first of the four signs christening the Square will be unveiled on the northwest corner of Hollywood and Highland at 11:30 AM on Tuesday, February 1. Joining Garcetti and Grant for the dedication will be Mrs. Gene Autry and Foy Willing's Riders of the Purple Sage, who will perform Autry's most popular melodies.